...this is a great time and place type of statement...the time is the year of 1968 and the place is the clubs and colleges of merrie olde england...the club pop-soul sound of '65/7 had come to an end, its course had finished, its purpose fullfilled, the whole scene either gave up and got square biz jobs or mutated into early jazzprog and blue eyed belters such as this cat had to find new material to either cover and rework or at a pinch do the new thing and write their own...joe did both and in between exhaustive gigging in the clubs and newer college halls with his latter day R'n'B shouting and moaning of newer pop/rock songs, he knocked out this tentative but mostly assured first platter (included are 2 b-sides for added width)...backed by top cats of the day including jimmy page and steve winwood this is a first rate funky rock job...not to be in anyway confused with his later MOR jive junk, that situation would be non happening...
...spending time in the new world had a big effect on joes second waxing, an effect that made it get a different kind of funkiness...the whole vibe was slower and much more laid back and hanging on the left coast is prone to make that happen...no need for any panic, this ain't no namby pamby singer songwriter whinge, but true enough the urgency of the beer swilling years of R'n'B shouting has disappeared to be replaced with a south of the border greenleaf style...real nice...
...welcome beatnix, welcome hippies too, all are welcome...welcome the cafe hooligan shouting mad poetry on a tuesday afternoon after 3 expressos liberally plied and supplemented with cheap brandy, a hydro reefer and 4 donuts...welcome the layabout who wanders from pad to pad, scarfing free food and enjoying a bonged session with some good hash, welcome to all right thinking cats who know the deal and don't squeal...welcome to you all...
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