...this first disk from ron connected with a few heads in the flower power days of 1967, the year when anything seemed possible...he'd worked on the material for most of the previous year and finally decided to use the 14 tracks here...nonsense verse, surreal poetry plus all manner of odd ditties mix it up with banjo strumming, piano plunking and harmonium wheezing with some very nice tape collage stereo panning (always a plus with these records from distant days)...many people have tried these ideas and most fail mainly as they wear out so soon after the first hearing by not having that added extra which ron definitely has, which is a friendly and unassuming presence...stands up well and bears repeated spins...
...when giving a go round with ron a cats got to get well in the zone so a pipe may come in handy for suspending belief in the possible and grooving with the reality of absurdity, thats the only way to be to get anywhere near whats on offer with this early seventies disk released on rons own label...this taking control of his output may have been a good thing as there ain't no way a capitalist square organisation going to get 1% understanding of whats going down with these stories and musical knick-nax of high order weirdity...considering ron was chums with the floyd its a wonder why his immense dream power never really rubbed off on those architects of normality but such concerns are not relevant here...cats who dig ivor cutler/goons/musical tomfoolery will get a blast with this, its a forgone conclusion...
...welcome beatnix, welcome hippies too, all are welcome...welcome the cafe hooligan shouting mad poetry on a tuesday afternoon after 3 expressos liberally plied and supplemented with cheap brandy, a hydro reefer and 4 donuts...welcome the layabout who wanders from pad to pad, scarfing free food and enjoying a bonged session with some good hash, welcome to all right thinking cats who know the deal and don't squeal...welcome to you all...
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