...tripsichord music box were one of the later exponents of the 'frisco hippy music explosion and got their one and only long-player out in '69, at least 18 months after the fuss and media hype had faded from public gaze...it's got some psychedelic ballroom feeling like KAK and fruminous bandersnatch and sometimes like late '60's moby grape with some of that rural rock some hippy cats were mistakenly getting too involved with...some nice acid jamming guitar runs and semi trance grooves choogling along making for good listening and it takes a couple of spins to work its magic, but the magic is certainly there on more tracks than not...this reissue comes complete with the tracks they got released on the 'fifth annual pipe dream' compilation that rolled out to general indifference in the early seventies plus a single that also vanished without trace...somehow some of this kind of sounds like a proto pavlovs dog but only after deep stimulation and meditation so it could be illusionary or possibly allusionary...
...along with frisco combo tripsichord music box, KAK were one of the also rans, leaving a great LP behind but making no real impression at the time and none since...head honcho gary yoder went onto blue cheer as that bands light was starting to diminish but otherwise only known to collectors...unmistakeably a ballroom crowd pleasing noise which live would go down a storm on the more heavy guitar acid blowouts but there's a couple of country rockish moments that whilst being cool are not as required as the combo obviously thought they might be (they should have left that to moby grape)...for cats who dig the west coast acid mind soup vibrations from late 60 times there will be no disappointments but no great revelations though track eight does burrow into the cranium with its stinging snakey guitar squeal that hits the spot totally...
...welcome beatnix, welcome hippies too, all are welcome...welcome the cafe hooligan shouting mad poetry on a tuesday afternoon after 3 expressos liberally plied and supplemented with cheap brandy, a hydro reefer and 4 donuts...welcome the layabout who wanders from pad to pad, scarfing free food and enjoying a bonged session with some good hash, welcome to all right thinking cats who know the deal and don't squeal...welcome to you all...